Thursday, November 10, 2016

11 Dog Movies to watch on Netflix Holiday season 2016

          How about some movies about puppies?  We just got a new puppy and we are all enamored by how cute and cuddly he is.  Nothing is better than taking your mind of something stressful than laying on the couch and cuddling up with a warm fuzzy bundle of joy.  Well watching a puppy movie while cuddling on the couch with a puppy could top it.  Before we got our very own puppy we watched a bunch of different movies and here is a quick synopsis of our favorites.  

Wednesday, November 2, 2016

Halloween with dead dog

I'm not allowed to go on the streets yet. After my full set of shots (in December) I will be allowed to go on the streets and to interact with other dogs. So for this Halloween I only hung out on my neighbor's yard with his dead dog.
Halloween with dead dog

Meet new Border Terrier puppy - Grizzy Pushku

So it just happened. I'm 9 weeks old and came to my new forever home! My name is Grizzy Pushku. I'm a new border on the block 

New border terrier puppy Grizzy Pushku